Dear Facebook, What the—???

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook… what are you doing???

The whole reason I stayed and filled out my profile with you is because you promised me everything there is kept as private as I desire. You force us to use our real names, not allowing us to use our typical Internet pseudonyms, with the promise that all our information is completely within our control and will not be released to the general public unless we say it’s okay. And then you turn around and sell us down the river of search bots so all that personal, private information meant only for reconnection with real live friends is now available to any search engine with an unethical bent and a good search bot. Dang, that hurts.

HT: Music City Bloggers

Wireless at Last

Yesterday Adria went out and purchased a LinkSys wireless hub-thing… whatever that’s called. At first we thought she was going to have to take it back, because the set-up cd wouldn’t run on her computer (a Mac iBook). Then she and I looked at the box and discovered the minimum requirements listed only Windows OS stuff. She was frustrated because she’d spent hours looking over every wifi unit to make sure the one she got would be compatible with our Macs. She went ahead and started following the directions, plugging the unit into our cable modem then connecting it with her computer. Then, as Macs love to do, her iBook discovered updates she needed to download, notified her and she automatically said yes… it took a bit for those to download, but once she disconnected… magically she was still connected to the Internet. She had all 4 bars showing on the airport. She was stunned and excited. So I opened my PowerBook and lo-and-behold! I had all 4 bars too!

Oh what joy my Mac is! No need for set up. Just plug and play. Cassie and Larry, I LOVE you both for helping me see the Mac light! Bless you, friends.

By the way, I’m posting this from my warm, soft, comfy bed…. ah, the joys of being wireless at last!