No, ABC’s latest bachelor — from Nashville — is not my little brother. But I felt an affinity for him as I watched the Bachelor’s debut tonight, being a home-boy and all, and being a young doc at Vandy. I felt very big sisterly as I watched him roam his new chateau, meeting all these women and picking who would stay.
I suppose I’m showing my age by talking "little" and "young" about an eligible, and obviously handsome, early 30s man. I’d probably find him interesting and engaging if I met him in person. Perhaps even be attracted. I certainly won’t turn down a date invitation from a 33 year-old (should one just happen to come). I’m not an idiot.
But watching Travis on tv, he just struck me as a kid in a candy store: wide-eyed and ready to try everything. And in need of a big sister’s rolling eyes and wise counsel. His choices in who got roses struck me as from a boy who still hasn’t quite grown into a man yet.
Don’t get me wrong, for the most part I liked his choices. I was especially rooting for Sarah from Nashville. But red-haired Sarah? Come on. She’s 23 and acts it. Perhaps even younger. At least the Sarah (is that her name?? Too many Sarahs….) from Canada seemed more mature, and confident in her own skin.
My heart broke, though, for the girl-Doc from Florida. She completely shot herself in the foot talking about how she’s ready to move "into her reproductive stage of life". For a woman who’s got such schooling, she proved she’s really lacking in people smarts. Or at least men-smarts. I mean, really. You don’t just start talking babies on the first date. And, contrary to her convictions, there really are other reasons to marry besides reproducing. There’s companionship and partnership and love and enjoyment and fun. But the poor girl was heart-broken when she didn’t get a rose. To the point of threatening not to ever date again, though I’m sure she’s since reconsidered that choice.
I understand her frustration. Sometimes it seems that men just don’t want the same things we women want. Other times it seems they are just callous, free-wheeling self-centered jerks. Oh, but we love them! We dream of them. We long for one of our own. And then, when we get one, we wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves into.
It had to be rough to be Travis in Paris. No, really! I know you’re laughing, but think about it a moment. 12 driven, hungry women vying for the same one guy. That’s some nasty mojo. And you have to be a woman to truly understand and appreciate the truth of that statement. I truly believe if women were in charge of war-making, war would be a truly hellish thing. Guys just shoot guns and drop bombs. Women gossip, tell lies wrapped in truth and truth wrapped in lies, betray and back-stab…. all while smiling sweetly and swearing true friendship and loyalty. If this guy managed to come out of this whole experience unscathed by the bloody realities of women-group life, it was nothing less than a miracle.
This is my first experience watching "The Bachelor". Perhaps that’s obvious in my post. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach watching the whole thing, but I’m gonna give it a shot, if for no other reason than to root for Doc-Travis, and pray, and cringe over every poor choice, and cheer every good one and then pray some more — even though the whole thing is already over — just like a good big sister should.
Good luck, Doc Travis. You’re gonna need it!