The Good Life

This weekend it snowed. And sleeted. And snowed some more.

The snow stayed. And stayed. And stayed. All weekend long — and well into this morning.  Now its raining. Yeah, it’s washed all the snow away, but it smells great outside. It smells like Spring.

This weekend it never got above freezing. Actually it never got up to freezing. Now its in the 40s and expected to move into the 50s tomorrow.

I can almost feel Spring shifting in her sleep and coming awake. Yippeee!! I got winter and I’ll get spring. It just doesn’t get better than this.

For Joe

Hey, bro. I finally got my pictures developed. Here’s some of my favorites (I took a ton). Enjoy! Click on the picture to see a larger version.

SnowyfrontHere’s the front of my little home. I love my place! God truly blessed me with it.


Look at the snow piled on my car! Okay, I know its not two feet, or even a foot… but still, it was a beautiful sight!


Here’s a view from the back yard. Got my own back porch, with my own porch swing….



I think this is one of my most favorite pictures I took.

Cirrus the killer-dachshund wonder-dog! You can’t see it from this angle, but he was collecting snow with his belly and pushing it along with him like a little long-haired bulldozer.


Look! White firewood! You think it’ll still burn?


Morning view of the back yard.


Another one of my most favorites… morning view of the porch swing


A view from the street…..


Good morning, lovely snowy street of mine!

Nashville Bachelor-Little Brother and the Single Life

No, ABC’s latest bachelor — from Nashville — is not my little brother. But I felt an affinity for him as I watched the Bachelor’s debut tonight, being a home-boy and all, and being a young doc at Vandy. I felt very big sisterly as I watched him roam his new chateau, meeting all these women and picking who would stay.

I suppose I’m showing my age by talking "little" and "young" about an eligible, and obviously handsome, early 30s man. I’d probably find him interesting and engaging if I met him in person. Perhaps even be attracted. I certainly won’t turn down a date invitation from a 33 year-old (should one just happen to come). I’m not an idiot.

But watching Travis on tv, he just struck me as a kid in a candy store: wide-eyed and ready to try everything. And in need of a big sister’s rolling eyes and wise counsel. His choices in who got roses struck me as from a boy who still hasn’t quite grown into a man yet.

Don’t get me wrong, for the most part I liked his choices. I was especially rooting for Sarah from Nashville. But red-haired Sarah? Come on. She’s 23 and acts it. Perhaps even younger. At least the Sarah (is that her name?? Too many Sarahs….) from Canada seemed more mature, and confident in her own skin.

My heart broke, though, for the girl-Doc from Florida. She completely shot herself in the foot talking about how she’s ready to move "into her reproductive stage of life". For a woman who’s got such schooling, she proved she’s really lacking in people smarts. Or at least men-smarts. I mean, really. You don’t just start talking babies on the first date. And, contrary to her convictions, there really are other reasons to marry besides reproducing. There’s companionship and partnership and love and enjoyment and fun. But the poor girl was heart-broken when she didn’t get a rose. To the point of threatening not to ever date again, though I’m sure she’s since reconsidered that choice.

I understand her frustration. Sometimes it seems that men just don’t want the same things we women want. Other times it seems they are just callous, free-wheeling self-centered jerks. Oh, but we love them! We dream of them. We long for one of our own. And then, when we get one, we wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves into.

It had to be rough to be Travis in Paris. No, really! I know you’re laughing, but think about it a moment. 12 driven, hungry women vying for the same one guy. That’s some nasty mojo. And you have to be a woman to truly understand and appreciate the truth of that statement. I truly believe if women were in charge of  war-making, war would be a truly hellish thing. Guys just shoot guns and drop bombs. Women gossip, tell lies wrapped in truth and truth wrapped in lies, betray and back-stab…. all while smiling sweetly and swearing true friendship and loyalty. If this guy managed to come out of this whole experience unscathed by the bloody realities of women-group life, it was nothing less than a miracle.

This is my first experience watching "The Bachelor". Perhaps that’s obvious in my post. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach watching the whole thing, but I’m gonna give it a shot, if for no other reason than to root for Doc-Travis, and pray, and cringe over every poor choice, and cheer every good one and then pray some more — even though the whole thing is already over — just like a good big sister should.

Good luck, Doc Travis. You’re gonna need it!

Oh, Deer!

A deer trotted across the road right in front of me this morning on my way into work.

Don’t worry, I didn’t hit him. I was going slow enough that there was never a chance for collision. But can you believe it???? A deer! And he was so close. And less than a block from my house!

After he crossed the road he kinda look back over his shoulder at me, with this look in his eyes. Not the deer-in-the-headlights look one would expect, but a look of relief and of "thanks for not hitting me." Which is kind of odd, considering he rather trotted across the road instead of running, almost as if he didn’t expect me to hit him. Maybe he saw me turn onto the road and knew I wouldn’t pick up enough speed before I got to him. Maybe he even saw I have a Fix-Or-Repair-Daily car and knew my little Escort didn’t have the speed in him that early.

Either way, I’m glad I didn’t hit him either. I have to confess, I had a little deer-in-the-headlights moment of my own when I saw him dart out. And it wasn’t because I might have been the cause of this beautiful creature becoming the morning’s main course at the roadkill banquet. Sad to say, but my first thought was of how much damage I’ve heard these beautiful animals cause to a car upon collision. I could see my little mangled Escort being carted off to car purgatory by the flat-bed-hearse-for-cars while the cops handed me its little death certificate, "cause of death: deer x-ing."

Oh, dear.

I think I’ll always drive a slowly through my neighborhood now…. I’m sure I can safely say that both deer and Lu are glad our morning encounter turned out like it did. He really was beautiful. Little antlers and all.

I live in the city limits of Nashville, only about 12 or so miles at the most from downtown no less. And I saw a deer less than a block from my house. You would never see that in LA.

I love living in Nashville. This place is so cool!

Restoring Life

I’ve had one of those blissfully restful weekends. I took long walks around Radner Lake, read quite a bit, cooked some (an amazing and rare thing for me), did a little sorting and discarding in preparation for my move in October, and just generally kicked back.

I spent much time in my own head, thinking through deeply rooted problems and sin in my own life from childhood crap. I needed this time, and need more still, to begin the healing process and make changes in life; changes that will lead to a restoration of Life God meant me to have.

Much of my writing ended up being stuff that’s really only for private consumption. I had big plans to finish all the various drafts of posts I started last week but didn’t have time or energy to finish. But sometimes — well, often times, really — life just doesn’t pan out the way we plan.

True Reflection

Finally! Tennessee is changing their state license plate. Apologies to all who like the old (current) one, but I think it’s just plain ugly. I got a specialty plate because I refused to drive a car with that thing on its tail! The new plates are a true reflection of our state’s natural, stunning beauty. This is a plate I’ll be proud to have on my "tail". šŸ™‚ Come next year, when my tags are up for renewal, the specialty plate is going away and the new, "rolling hills" plate goes on (hopefully I’ll have a new car by then too!). Yay!

Special thanks to Talking Toaster for the heads-up.

Back Porch Blogging

It’s 10pm and it’s still 71 degrees outside. I love the South!!

I’m on my porch, enjoying the evening and reading friends’ blogs. I’ve also been watching a couple of lightning bugs float around the trees in the (small) forest a few feet from my porch. Last night, coming home from Mosaic I drove through Ellington natural preserve. As I came across the long field that separates the preserve from civilization I saw literally hundreds of twinkling lights — fireflies blinking and dancing in the moonlight.

I love this place. It’s so magical. Everywhere I look, at every time of day, there is something beautiful to grab my attention and arrest my soul. Trees with all manner of flowering buds, streams running under canopies of green speckled with sunlight, ponds and small waterfalls, fireflies, thunderstorms, rocky hillsides, log cabins and tudor-style homes sitting side-by-side, an amazing diversity of people — the old country folk, the aspiring musicians, true-blue artists, Indians (not the native American kind, though I’m sure they’re here too), Latinos, African-Americans, Moroccans, Ethiopians, Iraqis, Thai, Greek and Egyptian. And then there are the immigrants…. šŸ™‚

God is good to me. He gives me so much and seems to expect nothing in return. Last night it was the firefly field. Today is was good friends and good conversations. Tomorrow it will be a sunrise… and who knows what else.

I’m glad He loves me.  I feel like the luckiest, most blessed woman in the world.

Addendum Redux

What if we just moved Tennesee and the Carolinas overseas…? Do you think anyone would notice…?

If I could just find a way to have the beauty and majesty and culture of these three states (well, sans the overdeveloped, undernourished "churchy" stuff) and still be in a foreign place….

My Narnia

I sit in a windowless room, while the beauty of a rainy day rages on outside. Without me.

I see the refreshing glory of God every time I pass a window. Rain-slicked streets, misty clouds hovering nearby, shrouding all of downtown Nashville in a mysterious grey veil. It feels like London! Such mystery to explore, and adventures to be had!

Yet I sit in a windowless room…

There’s so much beauty in Tennessee! So much to see, to taste and smell, to breathe in… On my way to work this morning, fog-covered hills sang a beautiful song to Jesus draped in amazing colors, announcing Fall’s arrival.

This place is magical. Exploding with all the mystical elements my heart has called "Fall" since as early as I can remember. I’ve dreamed for years of living in a place like this; experiencing just one autumn filled with all the magic: colors, air crisp and clear, the aroma of fresh rain and dirt lingering in the air, mixing with the fragrances of wood burning in fireplaces somewhere nearby.

This is the magic where stories live. Stories that stir my soul, warm my heart and draw my mind toward home.

And now I’m living in one. A magical story. Where the Hero rescues the peasant from the Beast and brings her to His land, full of beauty and endless bounty. To the average person I’m sure Nashville just looks like another big city. Another dot on a map of the United States.

But to me it’s Narnia.

Season of Color

I love autumn! Especially here. The leaves have begun to change. What beautiful colors! Everyone’s told me that we’re not in the best color time yet… Wow, I can’t WAIT!

The last few days here it’s been overcast, rainy, a few thunderstorms scattered for fun and noise… the mornings have been so crisp, so fresh and beautiful.

I LOVE Tennessee!!! What a great state. What a GORGEOUS state! With all this beauty, why did I ever stay in LA for so long…????

… uh, oh yeah… friends. My friends are in LA….. that’s why I stayed… I remembered it because their all chucking oranges at me from their cars, as they sit on the freeway, in rush hour traffic, smog, and heat.

Guess what, guys! It only took me about 25 minutes to get home tonight, and that was because it was raining hard. ;P

Yeah. I love Nashville.