Reality Check: A New Beginning

New Years. January 1st. Resolutions. Do-over. Starting fresh.

Lots was made this weekend about New Years resolutions. Everyone from ABC News to my pastor reminded me that my "secret" resolution to lose the weight for real this year is the #1 resolution made this time of year. And usually broken by the 2nd. Or the 5th. Some of us may even make it to 15th before falling off our exercise bikes.

A new year is seen as a clean slate. A chance to start over and get things right this time. We are temporal creatures. We measure our lives in decades and our history in centuries. But I had a reality check this weekend.

It doesn’t have to be January 1st for me to get a clean slate. It doesn’t have to be a Monday for me to "start over". I get a new beginning every time the second hand moves. Every time the sun rises. Every time it sets.

Jesus gives me a new beginning every moment of every day of my life. Now, I know what your thinking. "Oh, gawd. She’s going all religious and cliche on us." Not so.

My new beginnings are never pie-in-the-sky fluffy things. My new beginnings are borne of fire and mud. They are gritty, broiling things that burn to my core and cover me with the dirt of humanity and divinity. Yeah, I’ve discovered Jesus is dirty.

No, not that kind of dirty. Sheesh. What happened to that particular New Years resolution??

Jesus is dirty with the dirt and mud and muck of life. He gets down in there, where roots meet water and dirt. And He digs. And plants. And tends. And weeds. And He plays. Jesus seems to love a good mud fight.

Lately I’ve been living in the house. I’ve been inside my cozy cocoon, hiding from the pain of the holidays, covering my ears and pretending I don’t hear the cries of my own soul still on fire with grief and loss. The deaths of my parents haunt my soul at the holidays.

Sorrow and loneliness overtook me this weekend. Everyone had "someone" to kiss. Even Rachel had Joey on "Friends". I thought my heart ached for someone of my own. But I was wrong. My heart ached for the muddy fiery touch of my Beloved. My Jesus.

He was outside. I was inside. In my attempts to block out the pain of the holidays I’d left His side, out in the garden. Playing in the mud.

I cried out to Him and, instead of coming in to hold me, He called me out. Out into the rain and lightning. Into the mud of life.

And I stepped outside.

It’s been so long since I’ve been out here. I’ve spent years curled up inside by the fire; Jesus beside me, wrapping me in His wings and letting me shiver till the cold finally left my soul. We’ve dug our own gardens inside, near the fireplace, tending to plants inside. I needed that time to heal. I needed it. And Jesus knew it.

Then He went outside and I watched from the windows. In and out He’d go, and I tried to follow but I just couldn’t bring myself to stay out there…. and He’d always come back in for me.

I feel strangely empowered. Like I’ve never felt before. I feel ready to take on the outside again. Ready to face life head on. To take on challenges that have long stood in my path, mocking me for my weakness and keeping me tied down emotionally, spiritually, even physically.

I know this "new beginning" has always been here, waiting for me. But this is the first time I feel ready to take it on. Perhaps that’s what January 1st — and Mondays for all us life-long dieters — is really about. Its the day we finally feel ready to shed the past and move confidently into the future, heart, soul and body.

As I sit here, swinging on my porch swing and watching the sun set on the first day of 2006, I feel so different than last night. I am full of hope and confidence. In my future. In my God.

In Me.

Merry Christmas

In a few hours I’ll join the throngs of travelers at the airport. I’m flying to Nina’s for a week of fun, food, relaxation and hopefully a little physical healing.

Yes, the annual sick-off has begun. My co-workers catch something from their kids or spouses and it inevitably gets passed around to everyone on our team. I was picked to get it this week. Nasty stuff. But not the worst that’s going around, so that’s good. Just a bit of a bummer to be a snot-weed the weekend of Christmas.

I hope your Christmas is filled with much joy and love and that you take some time to reflect on the Greatest Gift you will ever receive: Jesus.


Stole this from Niza’s site, but made a few additions of my own…

Seven Things I want to do before I die:

  • Get a college degree
  • Buy a house
  • Go back to London, several times if possible!!
  • Go skydiving
  • Learn to rock climb and climb the mountains of Tennessee
  • Find the love of my life/best friend and marry him
  • Write a book

Seven Things I cannot do:

  • Fly without a plane
  • Get anywhere on time
  • Draw or paint or sculpt
  • Put on a "poker" face – everything I’m thinking or feeling flashes across my face. There’s just no hiding it.
  • Understand or fix tech/computer stuff. I just turn into a drooling idiot like the kids in Ferris Bueller’s economics class. I ‘ll leave that to the pros like Larry or Vic.
  • The splits. That ability seems to have left me forever.
  • Play the drums. I’m, uh, rhythmically challenged.

Seven Things I love to do, and do well:

  • mix live sound, especially worship – love it love it love it!!!
  • Exercise (who knew???)
  • Make people laugh
  • Teach spiritual truths I’ve learned
  • Write
  • Sing in the car
  • Photography

Seven Favorite Foods/drinks:

  • Rice, dahl and naan (a traditional Indian meal)
  • Mama’s fried chicken
  • Turkey and all the fixin’s
  • Margaritas
  • a good Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Chai (Starbucks is still the best, Panera’s is next)
  • And the ever present Diet Coke

Seven Things that attract me to people:

  • Compassion/Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Honesty and straight talk, especially when it comes to their emotions and our relational standing. I love people who will tell me that they’re upset with me instead of going to others with that information.
  • Deep spirituality, whatever their religion
  • Intellectual depth
  • great sense of humor!!
  • humility

Seven Books (or series of books) I love:

  • The Harry Potter Series
  • anything written by Michael Crichton
  • Seizing Your Divine Moment
  • The Barbarian Way
  • From The Earth To The Moon
  • The Sacred Romance
  • The Allure of Hope

Seven Movies I would watch over and over again (and probably do!):

  • Steele Magnolias
  • Ever After
  • Die Hard
  • Never Been Kissed
  • Spiderman 1 & 2
  • Twister
  • Chicago (especially the song/scene "Jailhouse Rag" (aka "He Had It Comin’")
  • Bruce Almighty
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Finding Neverland

Ooops! That was 10!

Seven People to do this list:

  • Wendy
  • Larry
  • Dawn
  • Conna
  • Paula
  • Vic
  • Nina

Your turn! 🙂 Tell me about your Sevens.

Yeah, I know…

I haven’t posted in what seems like forever. I am alive. I am still here. I just haven’t felt much like blogging.
Thanks for faithfully checking in anyway. Hopefully I’ll break through this bloggers-block soon.

Bag Ladies Forever

I missed the blogging memo about posting the things your grateful for on Thanksgiving.

Actually I spent most of my holiday weekend away from the computer (I know, shocking isn’t it, to find out that one can survive a weekend without the laptop appendage). By choice, no less. So its not surprising I was in the dark about this. I guess it should have been a given, considering the holiday and all, but, well, I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree, ya know?

As I dropped in on all my favorite blogs today, I found that many had posted on or around Thanksgiving, mainly about things they’re thankful for,  or about the holiday in general.

Sometimes I forget to think about the blessings in my life. I get so caught up in all the things I think are going wrong in my life, all the things I don’t have and all I’m missing. In those times I’d do well to "count my blessings" as they say. But I usually don’t think to. And I get very upset at people who tell me I "should" do so.

This was especially difficult to do in the weeks and months after mom and dad died. It seemed to me that I had lost everything ever important in life, that I had nothing left either in life or in me of value or worth. Counting my blessings then was very, very tough.

Somehow I always managed to count at least two: Jesus in my life, holding me together; and friends in my life, who just held me. Wendy was one of those friends. She was one who stuck by my side like she’d been glued there.

I remember crying to her and Kim McManus over my fears that I was hopelessly forever alone, that I would never marry or have any kind of family of my own. Wendy told me that would never be true; I would never be alone. She would always be there and jokingly said I could always be a bag lady with her. Be a bag lady with me, she cheerily invited.

At the time I didn’t find this idea either funny or the least bit comforting.

Seriously. I already feared that I would end up a homeless bag lady within a few years, if not sooner. So her declaration didn’t sooth me so much as it confirmed my worst fears.

Through the last two years, however, that declaration that I indeed would have a least one friend no matter what befell me in life has brought me much comfort. I find the future is easier to face when I remember that, if/when it all goes south, Wendy and I will be bag ladies together. I will not be alone.

Today I extended the offer to join Wendy and I in our bag lady-ness to my friend, Niza, who had a rough day over the weekend. It occurred to me after I posted my comment that she might misunderstand, as I did once, what a blessing this offer really is. No truer mark of a friend can be found than that of a friend who invites you to share her cardboard house with her and openly declares her friendship till the end of time, no matter how messy life gets.

I am indeed blessed.

Not because I have much — even though I do, by the world’s standards. Not because I am someone of importance — even though I am to God, and, thanks be to God!, my friends and family. I am blessed because I am loved. And love has been spoken over me even if I end up a bag lady, toothless and dirty, scrounging for food on the streets of downtown Nashville. Wendy will love me even then. Wendy will be my friend even then.

God shines His love on us through the people He brings into our lives. Wendy shines His light brighter than anyone I’ve known. I hope, perhaps, I can pass on some of that light and shine it into another’s. Perhaps we can all one day form the Bag Lady Brigade, walking the streets of America, toothless and dirty, stomachs growling and empty but hearts overflowing with joy because we are Jesus to each other in our darkest moments of life. And, knowing Wendy, she’ll organize us into the finest women’s worship band you’ve ever heard!


I get it. I get it now. I finally get why I am the way I am. I understand. I see it so clearly. It feels like a lot of pieces of the puzzle of my life just came together and got put into place. And finally, for the first time, I’m getting a glimpse of the larger, overall picture.

And it feels good. It feels really good.

Begging Your Pardon

…for my silence here of late. Last weekend I was toe-up sick, and this week has been incredibly busy at work — while home time has been devoted to resting up after last week’s terrible cold.

Thanks for your patience.

Snot-Fest 2005

It’s 5am. I’ve been awake since around 4:30. I finally gave up on sleep and came out to watch the news and have some chai.

The reason I’m awake. My sinuses have picked this week to literally explode with snot. I had allergy attacks last fall, but nothing compared to this. This is like someone took a fireman’s hose and shot my sinus cavities full of junk; so full I can’t breath. So full my head hurts on the side that’s clogged up. So full I can’t even inhale the little spritz from my nasal spray.

My eyes and throat, not wanting to be left out of the whole facial action, are itchy, watery and dry, all at once. How is that possible??

Yeah. I’m miserable. But I feel the sorriest for the people around me at work, who have to listen to me sneeze and cough all day long, look at my Rudolf-red nose and my squinty wet eyes and wonder, sometimes in fear, if this thing is catching.

Nothing I take has worked on this snot-fest. I’ve taken anti-histamine, decongestant, cough drops, stuff declaring it takes care of even the most stubborn allergies, stuff labeled "for severe cold"…. you name it, I’ve taken it. Nothing. Works.

Oh, someone shoot me now and put me out of my misery before I explode all over Nashville, shooting snot clear up to White House and all the way down to Spring Hill. Heck, I think I could even reach Pigeon Forge with what’s packed up my nose….


Where in the World are You?

Frappr_3I stopped by Randy’s blog this afternoon and found this new nifty little map called Frappr. It’s kind of like the Bravenet guest map I had up for a bit, but this is waaay cooler. You don’t have to hunt and peck for your city. All you have to do is put in your zip code and it pegs your city for you!

I’d love to know where all ya’ll are at/from. It’ll be fun! So, please, click Here, enter your zip code and map yourself!