
I haven’t written in a while because what I have to write about is not for public consumption. At least not yet. Some may never be.

I know some check in frequently to see how my life in Nashville is going. Some check in to see if I have anything brilliant to say (yeah, right). Some just stop by on their way to somewhere else. Whatever you’re reason for checking in, I’m glad you do. I just wish I had something readable to write for you. Instead I only have silence to offer. I hope you understand.

Here’s what I can say about the last week…. It came and it went. I did a lot but didn’t accomplish much. I cried a lot but still don’t feel any better for the venting. I thought about a lot of things, and delved into some very deeply but I still can’t put a tidy bow on anything.

Isn’t that the way life goes with everything.

I got a new job… but I don’t know yet how I feel about it. It’s with a health care company, which is not a place I ever thought about working — for a variety of reasons. I’ll be working there part time and at my old job part time for the next month or so. And then, if we like each other, I may take the job on permanently. I’ll keep you posted.

That’s about it. Except for the things not ready for primetime public yet.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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