Home But Exhausted

I got home around 9pm last night…. I was dead tired. Fourteen hours of driving this weekend wiped me out. Then I got a migraine on my way home yesterday. What was that about?? Ugh. I didn’t even unpack. Just collapsed on the couch and fell asleep (Immetrex and a sleeping pill work wonders!).

I started my new job today. Meeting new people and learning new routines really wear me out. I used to think I loved change. And I did crave it. I’ve been craving and praying for a change for a while. But when it comes down to it, change scares the heck out of me. And when it hits, I invariably crawl through the first few days longing for the past and wishing I hadn’t made the change.

Eventually I’ll settle in to this new routine, and when I choose to change again, I’ll again shake in fear and long for the past… till I get used to the routine and the craving for change comes again.

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