Lead By Blogging

I started reading Randy Elrod’s blog shortly after he started it. He sent out an email to all of us serving with the People’s Church media team. I hadn’t checked in there in a while, but today I did. I found an incredible article he’s written about Leading by Blogging. Check it out. Here’s a few snippets that most resonated with me.

Through my blog, not only my paid staff, but also my lay ministers, and even my entire church body can begin to understand my ethos… This medium also promotes a new kind of community. The post-modern generation understands and utilizes this tool. They may not know the word blog… yet, but they certainly know about Xanga or MySpace. These are in essence blogging communities and interactive spaces that promote discourse and knowledge. Enabling and allowing comments to each of your blog posts gives opportunity for this type of interactivity. It is a new type of community that the next generation understands. This medium is a “non-linear” communication tool that is fluid enough to be attractive to the post-modern culture.

Blogging also develops writing and communication skills. Anything done on a consistent basis will prove beneficial, and if your blog is to be read, daily posts are a must! This discipline has greatly enhanced my confidence and growth as a leader and communicator.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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