This is the Day…

…that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

I am sooooo not a morning person, so the fact that I’m up and posting should very much impress you. 🙂 The fact that I’m chipper at this early hour should shock and perhaps even alarm you (it does me!).

I thought I’d start the day with a word of wisdom from Luci Swindoll — to start my day off right. I love this woman (more than I can express at this early hour)!! She is amazing. You should check her out.

In the meantime, Good Morning to you!!

Let There Be Light!

I just got home from an incredible weekend at Women of Faith in Atlanta. This year’s theme was Infinite Grace. We cannot go anywhere or through anything in this life that His grace does not cover us and give us strength to endure. He gives us exactly what we need when we need it.

Patsy Clairmont told this story about how God’s grace breathed courage into a friend of her’s. As I listened I thought about a dear friend of mine who is courageously waging her own war with breast cancer right now. I pray that God speaks these words over her life as well. Let there be Light!