
Putting oneself out here on the Internets can be very risky. Identity
theft notwithstanding, the greatest issue I’ve discovered is a sort of
cyber-stalking, where people, for whatever reason, stalk a person by
doing Internet searches and keeping tabs on the sites they find.

I’ve had a couple of incidents before with a few weird commenters and
such, but nothing major….. until recently. Long story… suffice to say some things happened recently to make me nervous.

So I’m thinking about doing a password protect on my blog… If this blog suddenly becomes inaccessible, that’s what’s happened.

Now, before I do that, I plan to email the password information to those of you readers I know about and have email addys for.  So if it IS inaccessible and you didn’t received an email from me, email me and smack me (that includes those of you on Facebook). Otherwise, I will have a welcome page set up where you can request the password info in the comment section.

All you feed readers, I’m not sure how this will affect you. I’m hoping it won’t…  but you never know. Nor do I know how to get the password info to you. So if this is the last post you see in your reader for a while, you may want to drop by and double-check the privacy level, and then let me know (via the comments section on the welcome page) if you need a password…

Doubts, Fears, and Other Night Monsters

So [Jesus] replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you
have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who
have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."
—Luke 7:22-23.

Is God enough? Is He enough for me regardless of what circumstances I find myself in, what tragedies befall me, what "fate" awaits me in the future?

I've been having panic attacks. Whether they are more physiological than emotional, I cannot say. I'm more prone to them than the average person — my autonomic nervous system is just a little out of whack, so that fight or flight instinct can kick into high gear for no reason. Add stress to the mix and its pretty much a sure bet it'll misfire. —-However, emotions could also be playing a role in this current round…. it's just too hard to tell at the moment.

The nights are the worst. That seems to be when every little terrible fear in my mind comes out to play, dancing in the firelight and casting huge shadows against the walls of my mind. They look like giants ready to swallow me. The later the hour gets, the more they dance, and the larger they look. And I become too terrified to sleep, I cannot focus on anything but their huge shadows dancing all around me. I once had a way to anesthetize myself so I didn't feel the fear of the shadows but I've let go of those old patterns and now must face the Night Monsters alone. It's hard. I'm a coward at heart; I'd rather run from what scares me than face it and shout it down.

God still comes to me when I cry out in fear, despite my struggle knowing who He really is right now. I still experience Him as I have so many times before; seeing/sensing Him — sitting beside me, loving on me, gently swiping His thumb over my forehead, kissing my cheek — and hearing His voice whispering His love to me. Yet I'm so afraid now that whatever I'm seeing and hearing is just my imagination, that I'm just making it up, that I struggle to let myself be comforted by Him. 

Isn't that crazy? I struggle to believe in the God I've been experiencing since a young child — the head-god I talked of earlier — yet I don't have any problem accepting the scary shadows on the wall as completely real. No doubts about nefarious shadows, huge doubts about a God who is so gentle and loving. Insanity.

Is God enough?

I love the story of John the Baptist from Luke 7 because John doubts too. This man, of whom Jesus later says, "I
tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than
John…" (verse 28), this man who has been set apart by God, heard directly
from God all his adult life, and seen Jesus do miraculous things, doubts Jesus; doubts His identity as the Messiah, the rescuer of his people.

And Jesus doesn't get mad. He doesn't sigh heavily and dramatically
proclaim, 'oh ye of little faith.' Nor does He scold, or reprimand, or
rebuke, or cut off contact. He just answers John; he says, "Yep. I still am the One.
…. no, I'm not coming for you; I'm not rescuing you. And yes, I'm still the One."

I remember first being made aware of Jesus' response to John in Erwin's book, The Barbarian Way. Erwin's main point was that last sentence: "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."  In Barbarian he points out
that God didn't rescue John from prison, or his fate: being beheaded by
Herod (Matthew 14:1-12). If God didn't rescue John, He may very well not rescue us from our own prisons — joblessness, poverty, homelessness, illness, paralysis, death… pick the struggle of your nightmares. He may not rescue you from it.

It is in that truth that my fears lie. It is also in that truth that lies grab hold of me and keep me trapped in that frightening cave with the dancing shadows.

Here's the thing:

Deconstructing God

Over the last month and a half I have been on a very difficult journey. One where I deconstruct  the god(s) I worship and seek the Truth; the True God. I have had an impossible time writing about this journey even in my private journal, so complicated and chaotic are my thoughts and inner turmoil. But several times I have tried to write posts about this struggle, only to abandon them later out of frustration. What follows is are pieces of this long journey, strung together here in an attempt to share with you what I've been about this last month or so. It is long, so I have more tagged it for those who would rather skip over the struggles and revelations of this little child of God. I hope, however, you will take the time to read it all. It was written for you.

John's disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, he sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" — Luke  7:18-19

Amazing Words of Wisdom

I discovered this tonight on the MySpace blog of To Write Love on Her Arms… an amazing organization doing some great work for hurting people.

Personally, I think everyone should be in a 12-step program… we would all learn what it really means to live, really live life rather than rush and fake and anesthetize our way through it, to trust God and surrender our lives to His will, to make fearless inventories of our own wrongs, rather than all the wrongs of all those around us, and to be willing to go to any lengths to live the Big Life Story God dreams for us to live, rather than the little novellas we write for ourselves. We would recognize that life isn't about getting and having and becoming some kind of perfect. But that it is about relationship and progress; just being less of a jerk today than I was yesterday; less selfish today than yesterday, a little more aware of God's presence today than yesterday, a little closer to Him today than yesterday, and a little more tomorrow than today…

Anyway… this video gave me great encouragement… And so I share it in hopes it will do that same for you. Watch and stand in amazement at what God will do with a willing heart… (PS, the woman in the video is Renee — the reason the founder started TWLOHA, I think — who is talking about what she's learned in her two years of sobriety)

Joy & God’s Goodness

Lu's new iMac

My tax return came and I decided it was time to upgrade from my 4 year-old G4 PowerBook (still with its original Panther OS!). So here's my new way to do homework (and blog, and listen to music, and watch videos, and…. goodness this thing does everything but cook!). I'm lovin' it. It is soooo fast and has so many new features and things to play with and while away hour after hour…. Please note the absence of school books. They are actually still sitting in my backpack. I haven't removed them from there since I got this bundle of joy Tuesday night. Nor have I managed to get to bed before 1am. Perhaps tonight…. naaawww!

I've been busy with school, work, life, healing, and other amazing God-gifts of Life. I'm forever amazed at how He embraces me and just loves on me even when I'm freaking out, or messing up big time, or think I'm messing up big time…

I've been in the process of deconstructing my beliefs and convictions about God so I have room in my heart for the real God, not the one I seem to think He is. Long story. Long post, actually. Perhaps soon I'll have something less than 6,000 words to share with you on this crazy new journey I'm on.

But for now I really do need to get to bed. So I'll leave you with a couple of pics I had fun taking with my new built-in iSight camera. 🙂

Photo 8

Photo 11

Photo 12

I've heard about meeting yourself going and coming but this is ridiculous!

Photo 16

Oooo, look! I'm Jay Leno in drag!!

Yes. It's true. I'm a dork.