
Have you ever gotten a craving for salt? I don’t mean salty foods, I mean salt. Like actual salt from the salt shaker.

I’ve been craving salt for over a week now. Salty foods, yes — like black olives. Totally pigging out on black olives this week and still can’t get enough (what is that about, by the way??)– but also just plain old salt. I have that Kosher salt that you use for baking (and making Margaritas, yumm!) and I have been just dipping my wet fingertip in it and eating what sticks; over and over. Goodness, that has to be a little twisted, don’t you think?

I’ve done this since I was a kid too. My mom said even as young as 3 or 4 I was pouring salt into my hand and eating it. She said she was a little alarmed and told my pediatrician, who told her to just let me do it; that at that age it wasn’t a taste thing as much as it was a need thing. That my body probably need more sodium. But I still have these cravings at times as an adult. Can it possibly be the same thing, or have I just gotten into such a habit that now I just crave it sometimes, even when I don’t need it?

I’m also going crazy with the lemonade. I do the Crystal Light version and water it down so it’s not as strong as they suggest, but still packs a pucker. Maybe it’s not so much a salt craving as it is just a sour phase I’m going through?

Geez, I’m weird.

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