
3.029….. The price of gas per gallon I paid tonight
32……… The temperature it was outside as I drove home tonight at 8:30pm
2………. Pounds I keep playing with (not on purpose) for the last three months — losing, then gaining, then losing again.
2.0/4.0… The score I do not want to see on my submitted work (3.0 is passing), but which I’ve seen on two out of the five sections of my final. Thank God I can resubmit with revisions!
4.0/4.0… The score I can’t comprehend how I got on one of the sections of my final, but am not complaining that I got it.
30……… Number of days I’ve lived a whole new way of life, only with God’s help, in His strength and through His power.

Life is crazy. God is good.

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