3.029….. The price of gas per gallon I paid tonight
32……… The temperature it was outside as I drove home tonight at 8:30pm
2………. Pounds I keep playing with (not on purpose) for the last three months — losing, then gaining, then losing again.
2.0/4.0… The score I do not want to see on my submitted work (3.0 is passing), but which I’ve seen on two out of the five sections of my final. Thank God I can resubmit with revisions!
4.0/4.0… The score I can’t comprehend how I got on one of the sections of my final, but am not complaining that I got it.
30……… Number of days I’ve lived a whole new way of life, only with God’s help, in His strength and through His power.
Life is crazy. God is good.
Good. By the way… when you decide to buy another album… make it Shane and Shane’s Pages. At least as good as Crowder’s Remedy. Maybe better.