Little Me(s)

I gave into blogger peer pressure… sort of. Several of the blogs I read regularly have been doing this celebrity look-alike thing, so I thought I’d check it out. However, I must admit to cheating a little.

My sister took a picture of me Monday morning that I absolutely hate. It makes me look like my face was stung by bees till it swelled up bigger than a hot air balloon with a nose and big mouth, and this big turkey neck thing hangin’ down. [shudder] It is definitely not the face that stares back at me in the mirror every morning. I refuse to put that picture anywhere near the public. So obviously using it was out (even though when I finally got up the nerve the list included Julia Roberts and Evangeline Lily). So, I went back in time a little.

Or maybe a lot… Six years (and 60 pounds) ago…

Seeing Helen Hunt and Candace Bergen gave a huge boost to my confidence. So I tried a more current one, sort of. Taken two and a half years ago.

Finally, I tried one of my favorite photos. Its from 2002, taken by my first web cam. I love that I suddenly went from Helen Hunt to Angelina Jolie. And Gene Tierney? Too cool! šŸ™‚

You should try this. It’s kinda fun!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Little Me(s)

  1. I’m way to chicken — especially since I have no pictures of me that I really like! Congrats to you for both Helen Hunt and Angelina!!