Yet Another Inane American Idol Post

I’m so disappointed in even my favorites tonight. Everyone was so
focused on getting the rhythm and dance moves right that they
completely neglected the meaning of the songs.

Latin music isn’t just
about the beat. It’s about the heart. Latinos/Latinas feel deeply (believe me, I have friends) and it all comes out in their music. No one got that tonight. No one. Even Melinda was off. Blake probably came the closest, but even he lacked the passion needed to carry it off. And Lakisha, good grief! Stop wearing those halter dresses, girlfriend. Your back-fat was flappin’ all over the place. Oh, and as to the music, yep, you had the moves down, but completely lacked any passion in your face or eyes. Maybe you need to spend a week on America’s Next Top Model. Let Tyra show you all her "fierce" face moves.

The worst performances were Haley, Jordin, and of course, Sanjaya. But of course, we all know the latter won’t be going home, so I predict the bottom two will be Jordin and Hayley, with perhaps Hayley finally going home.

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