Why Nashville Hasn’t Gotten Much Rain

I’ve figured out why Nashville hasn’t gotten a whole lot of rain the last few months. It came to me this morning at some ungodly-a.m.-dark-hour when I heard the rain slapping against the roof and heard the rumbling thunder. It hasn’t rained because I haven’t washed my car.

But praise be to God! I washed it yesterday and lo-and-behold: Rain this morning!

Sorry Nashville! Didn’t realize our weather was so dependent on my car being clean.

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One thought on “Why Nashville Hasn’t Gotten Much Rain

  1. LOL It’s the same with me visiting Colorado Springs. Every time I go out there, they’re in the middle of a dought, yet when I arrive, I bring flood and rainstorms and hail and lots of lightning! My friends keep telling me I need to visit more often. 😀