Every Time…

…I eat Lucky Charms, or lots of salads, both of which I have eaten today (and LOTS  of salads all week) I get green poop. I was thinkin’ perhaps something was wrong with me, till I found this website doing a Google search for "green poop".

What?! It’s a very informative site. I learned a lot.

What?! Too much information?
Sorry. Just wanted to share the poop scoop.1_baaa_2
Don’t you just love my Pajama Days!! I sure do!

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2 thoughts on “Every Time…

  1. LOL!
    I KNOW! I read the whole thing too! I don’t know about you, but I thought it was fascinating stuff.
    Could just be the “Input” strength in me, though — collecting useless information is a life-long “talent” I seem to have, one which I cannot seem to stop no matter how hard I try. I’ve given up and now just take it all in and share it with anyone who will let me. Like you! 🙂