ImagesI’m really hating WKRN right now.
This will probably not endear me to Brittney, and it will probably kill my chances of ever being on Nashville it Talking ever again — and there goes any hope of ever getting back on it’s aggregator; I’ve been off it since I moved my blog over to Typepad –but I’m so frustrated with the station right now I don’t care. WHAT are they DOING to me????

ABC’s website says that there is a Lost episode scheduled to air tonight. However, WKRN has for some stupid reason or another decided NOT to show it, but to show some episode of "George Lopez" instead.

Hello?! "George Lopez"??? Come on. You preempt one of the highest rated (if not THE highest rated) shows on your network to show some low-rated, half-wit sitcom? One that I don’t even like?? (because it is all about me, you know) How rude is that.

Don’t they know I’m desperately trying to get up to speed on this incredible show before the OctoberEtc1_c09_f2_1 start of the 3rd season? Don’t they know that now I have to spend $3 to download it from iTunes? Don’t they know how frustrating it is to have to watch this incredible show on my laptop??

I mean, I watch "Lost" faithfully each week. Well, at least I have since I "discovered" its greatness over Memorial day weekend. Not only that, I watch it in real time
— okay, that’s because I don’t have TiVo — but still, I’m watching WKRN through the commercials and everything. And I stay on WKRN for the news. Okay, I’m really waiting for "Sex and The City" to come on, but I choose to keep it on WKRN. And I do think they have the best newscast in Nashville. And I always turn to them when there’s a "storm" on the way….

Is it too much to ask of them to at least keep to the ABC schedule when it comes to "Lost" for such a faithful supporter of the station as me? I mean, come on, guys. It’s been two weeks without "Lost" on the tee-vee. I’m going into withdrawals here. Give a girl a break. Feed my addiction. Please. I’m. Dying. Here.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “AAAAUUUGHHHHH!!

  1. All this fuss over a television show? I guess it happens.
    You and I are quite alike in some ways–compare your post on hearing God with my contemporaneous although unconnected one–but unalike in others. You’re far more compassionate… and I don’t own a TV and don’t want one in the house.