Sleepy  iiiee-yiiiie-yiiiiie…. I was up till 3:30am talking to a good friend from LA. And now I’m soooo sleepy I can’t hardly keep my eyes open… these are the times I wish I hadn’t quit caffeine. Man, could I use a strong Chai latte right now! Or even a 32-ounce diet coke.

Do you ever wish you lived in one of those European countries that took long afternoon siestas? Ah, does that sound good.

Ready? Let’s all nap now!

Jesus Loves Macs

My Mac went wacky on me last night. Turns out my memory card was loose — or perhaps the slot is going bad. At any rate, a friend came over today and fixed it for me. We also got me more memory, so now my Powerboook is really whizzing along. Yay!

But I was really sweatin’ it for a while. I have never backed up anything and thinking of all the pictures and music I’d lose just about crushed me. Not to mention the cost of repairing my baby. Granted, I have Apple Care until next June (as in ’07) but still, it’s possible that the cost of whatever was wrong might not be covered. This baby cost me $3k, a sum which I don’t currently have were I need to replace it. I would cry serious crocodile tears if that were to happen. I prayed and begged and talked for a long time to God about this whole thing. Ultimately I was able to give it over to Him before falling to sleep but was still rather anxious until my friend came and worked his magic.

When my friend was able to get my Mac running again, by simply moving my memory card around, from one slot to another and back again, we both came to the firm conviction that Jesus really loves Macs. How could it be otherwise? Such a problem in a PC would doubtless require many hours of repair and many dollars in cost. But with a simple adjustment, my Mac was back to its old self again. Yes, Jesus does indeed love Macs.

[[whiplash alert]]

There’s a firefly in my house (don’t say I didn’t warn you). I think he flew in while I was seeing my friend off. I’ve learned since moving here that it’s not wise to leave a door open here in Tennessee. All sorts of critters and flying "things"  invite themselves in and make themselves at home when you do. Normally I close my door behind me, no matter how short of time I’ll be outside. I just forgot tonight (a by-product of spending most of my life in LA, where critters don’t tend to invite themselves — only thieves do — so as long as you’re nearby you can leave your door wide open all you want; in other words, it was force of habit).

And now I have a little blinking visitor desperately looking for someone to love. I didn’t notice him until I turned off the lights. I don’t want to kill the beautiful thing; but I don’t really want this flashing neon penlight floating around the room all night. Who knows what I’ll think it is when I wake up in the middle of the night and see it. I could seriously freak out, kill the poor thing and leave a nice glow-in-the-dark stain on whatever I squish it against. That would just be a plain waste of a glow-y life.

Yeah. I’m too tired to be blogging. Too much stress over the last day. I think I’ll go to bed now….

Little Gifts

Sitting outside just a bit ago watching a thunderstorm pass by, I got a little gift of joy. A young deer quietly stole into our backyard and walked within about 10 feet of my quiet place on the porch. She slowly wandered through on a zig-zag path, stopping now and then to eat some grass. Fireflies dancing around her, cloud lightning occasionally lighting  the sky overhead, she fit right into some amazing scene from a dream sequence of a Broadway show (okay, so maybe I did o.d. a little on the Tony Awards tonight…).

It’s the little gifts like these that just take my breath away. How did I get so lucky as to live in such an amazing place as this?

Lost Weekend

B00005jnog01_aa240_sclzzzzzzz_I spent Memorial Weekend watching the first season of "Lost". One episode after another.

I am now addicted.

I downloaded the first episode of season 2 from iTunes last week. Yes, I know it aired on tv last Wednesday, but I didn’t realize it was on until it was half-way through. And I can’t just watch half an episode. That’s just wrong.

So tonight I watched the second episode. And as it ended I came to a
realization: I hate this show. Okay, "hate" is a strong word. I deeply
dislike this show. So why do I continue watching, you may ask? Well, I’ll tell you.

Because I’m addicted!

I blame Nina. She and her husband were the ones who wanted to
spend the weekend watching this show that gives just enough action and
information to whet my appetite and then leaves me hanging just as the

Now I have to plan my summer around Wednesday nights at 8pm. Grrr.