Word of the Day


Yeah. Just try pronouncing that one without a pronunciation guide. I’ll give a huge prize to the person who can — Larry, you’re excluded. Your genious mind knows words only God has  pronounced correctly or used properly.

If you’ve never heard or seen this word before, take heart. I never had either (not that that’s really any consolation). It was the winning word from the 2004 national spelling bee.

Which means there are grade schoolers out there smarter and better spellers than us.

Now there’s a cheery thought with which to start your day.

au·toch·tho·nous (ô-tkth-ns) also au·toch·tho·nal (-th-nl) or au·toch·thon·ictk-thnk)

  1. Originating where found; indigenous: autochthonous rocks; an autochthonous people; autochthonous folktales. See Synonyms at native.
  2. Biology. Originating or formed in the place where found: an autochthonous blood clot.

This English lesson is courtesy Starbucks‘ post-consumer fiber sleeve on my vente chai, and made possible by Dictionary.com, my everything on The Internets.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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5 thoughts on “Word of the Day

  1. I pronounced it properly, just didn’t have a clue what it meant. *bg* But then again, that’s pretty much me, isn’t it? Good at one thing, not so good at another, but able to fake it all soooooo well. lol Thanks for the lesson. 🙂

  2. You’re a better woman than I. I couldn’t even begin to figure out how to pronounce it. I still have to say it a couple of times before I get it completely right.

  3. Yah fonetiks rok! You know they’re making a movie about a spelling bee now. It won’t go over well in the South, but the Soccer-Mom subculture should absolutely love it. “THAT COULD BE [INSERT CHILD NAME HERE]!”