
Rain_drenched_1 Woo-hoo!! I’ve got an hour and a half left before I leave Nashville for nearly a week of vacation in South Carolina. I can’t wait!!

I’m flying out because Nina’s birthday is tomorrow. We’re getting massages at 1pm and then just hanging out in our relaxed states for the rest of the day. Friday will be full of shopping and Saturday evening we’re going to dinner and a movie. We’re also planning to spend some time scrap-booking together.

Ah, a change of pace, a change of scenery and a change of undies and I’ll be a new woman!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about a several ish-uhs, as my pastor would put it, over the last few weeks. I started and deleted several posts about them because I just haven’t been able to properly translate what’s in my head and heart just yet. Perhaps this coming change of pace will help and I’ll be able to let you in on the thoughts rattling around my brain.

Bottom line: God is doing amazing things inside me, in my heart, in my soul. He is bringing clarity to things that have always been hazy, opening my eyes to new truths and aspects of myself that I never knew existed, and raining down grace abounding till I am drenched.  I have peace and joy so deep, such that I’ve not ever had before.

All these blessings are coming through, and because of, painful experiences, through many tears and anguish and through a purposeful effort to allow Jesus to sift me and heal me. God is taking all the pain, all the tears, all the anguish, all the anger, all the junk and creating something new. I don’t know how He’s doing it. I don’t understand how anyone could take the dregs of my life and heart and make such a beautiful, new piece of art. But then again, this is the same God that took spit and dirt and healed a man’s eyes; who took just dust from the ground and created man; and then took just a rib from that man and made a beautiful woman. Who know how He does anything??

Early today I remembered a passage God spoke very powerfully to me through as I was preparing to go to India. He made it clear it was a promise to me, and to our whole team:

"This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut:

I will go before you and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.

I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." — Isa 45:1-3

He is still fulfilling His promise. Isn’t that amazing!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Vay-Kay!!!!

  1. It is Amazing
    HE is amazing and that you wrote it so well….
    What if……there is THIS going on all over…..
    I don’t know but I am anxious to hear your story…

  2. I read you on Vox…but hadn’t seen you in awhile, so tracked you back to here.
    wow. Wierd. I haven’t posted in awhile and if I had to describe it to anybody, I would use your words….
    “Bottom line: God is doing amazing things inside me, in my heart, in my soul. He is bringing clarity to things that have always been hazy, opening my eyes to new truths and aspects of myself that I never knew existed, and raining down grace abounding till I am drenched. I have peace and joy so deep, such that I’ve not ever had before.
    All these blessings are coming through, and because of, painful experiences, through many tears and anguish and through a purposeful effort to allow Jesus to sift me and heal me. God is taking all the pain, all the tears, all the anguish, all the anger, all the junk and creating something new. I don’t know how He’s doing it. I don’t understand how anyone could take the dregs of my life and heart and make such a beautiful, new piece of art. But then again, this is the same God that took spit and dirt and healed a man’s eyes; who took just dust from the ground and created man; and then took just a rib from that man and made a beautiful woman. Who know how He does anything??”
    tx for giving me words when I didn’t have any…!