Ah, I’m a Professor…

This was fun… till I clicked submit the first time and was equated with Lord Voldemort…

Of course I quickly hit the back button and re-checked my answers, corrected a few and… well, this looks much, much better… besides, anyone who knows me knows I’m not an INTP. Pah-leeze. (not that INTPs are bad, just not me…)

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz

Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

PS — learn more about INFJs here

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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6 thoughts on “Ah, I’m a Professor…

  1. i took one of those (the real thing) 2 years ago in my last undergrad class ever. it said i was an ENTJ. born, natural leader. needless to say i don’t put much stock in those anymore.

  2. From the point of view of the Myers-Briggs… there may not be much difference between one leader type and another, Dumbledore and Voldemort. The assessment’s filters aren’t fine enough to catch the difference that we see so clearly.
    And, Joe, I do have some belief that, although coarse, these assessments can uncover aspects of a person that are unknown. We are very good at lying to ourselves, and the test can be a more honest unless the test-taker is very sophisticated and experienced. So, as Lu looked at me and saw a warrior under the muddy bureaucrat, others might see a leader inside you.

  3. WE are no longer meeting on McGavock Street. They tore that building down. We are meeting on 3rd Ave. South. We actually could have walked to McGavock, but walking to the meeting place now is a little extreme. When we could simply walk over the bridge and find a group of churches to shcoose from, why do we need to drive “across town”?