For Joe

Hey, bro. I finally got my pictures developed. Here’s some of my favorites (I took a ton). Enjoy! Click on the picture to see a larger version.

SnowyfrontHere’s the front of my little home. I love my place! God truly blessed me with it.


Look at the snow piled on my car! Okay, I know its not two feet, or even a foot… but still, it was a beautiful sight!


Here’s a view from the back yard. Got my own back porch, with my own porch swing….



I think this is one of my most favorite pictures I took.

Cirrus the killer-dachshund wonder-dog! You can’t see it from this angle, but he was collecting snow with his belly and pushing it along with him like a little long-haired bulldozer.


Look! White firewood! You think it’ll still burn?


Morning view of the back yard.


Another one of my most favorites… morning view of the porch swing


A view from the street…..


Good morning, lovely snowy street of mine!

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One thought on “For Joe

  1. OH LU! Thanks so much, these are beautiful. I think my favorite is the same as yours- the one with the flowers covered in snow. But I’m partial to Cirrus because for 18 years I had the coolest miniature dachsaund (who grew to be medium sized, somewhere in between miniature and regular) who had a very mixed color fur. She was great. Maybe I’ll be able to post a picture of her. We called her Pokey because apparently I wanted to name her Pocahontas. I seem to recall wanting to name her Melissa. But whatdya do? Mom says I wanted Pocahontas, and Pokey she was. She could play soccer like a fiend too. Ah memories. Thanks for the pictures of the snow. I just got back from preaching at my friend’s d-now, and this is a great way to cool down. Have a good one.