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5 thoughts on “Love it-Love it-Love it!

  1. PICTURES. TAKE PICTURES. I’ve been to Canada and Nashville and all sorts of places, and I still haven’t gotten to see snow. Do you know the last time I saw snow? It might have been my freshman year in Auburn. Maybe January of 1999. That’s so long ago, Lu. SOOO LONG AGO.
    It’s moments like this that I become both envious AND I realize how much I want to move to places it snows. Even if it’s just for a little while. (Have I ever said I’m an East Coast boy?)

  2. Done — though I don’t know how they will come out. It’s dark out and even though I have a really good Nikon, the only film I had was 200 speed (my digital has been broken for almost a year — anyone wanna buy me one??).
    I’ll get the pics developed tomorrow and upload the best ones as soon as I can.
    But I gotta tell ya — I don’t think pictures will ever be able to capture the beauty and wonder of falling snow. AH-Mazing.
    God is indeed a Master Artist.