Watch E-Ring Tonight

My friend Scott Reynolds wrote tonight’s episode of NBC’s E-Ring (7pm CT, 8pm ET/PT). I’m soooo excited for him!

I remember when he and Amy first came to Mosaic. Scott worked several jobs to make ends meet, one of them being a freelance script reader. He continually worked to hone his craft, writing one script after another, reading and analyzing every script he could. His tenacity and determination deeply impressed me. I had great faith in his talent, but sorry to say not much in the industry to recognize it. I’ve seen far too many incredibly talented writers never get a break. I got pretty jaded toward the end of my time in Hollywood.

, his wife, worked as an art designer for a couple of series before Zane was born. Both were always committed to bringing the light of their relationships with Jesus into the lives of others. I loved it. I love seeing their passion and talent and commitment. And I miss being around them. Their lives always inspired and challenged to reach beyond my grasp.

They both have worked their share of sh*t jobs, so I was so excited to hear  that Scott had finally been able to get a script sold AND produced. But then to hear that the script we will see tonight was the key that finally unlocked the door for Scott–that shortly after filming wrapped on the ep, he was offered a staff writing position— holy cow!!!  It was like that scene at the end of  "Working Girl" — I literally shouted, "he made it!! He made it out of ‘below the line’ and into ‘Above the Line’! Woohoo!!!!"

Please watch E-Ring tonight. Support a man (and his  wonderful wife) living his dream. And for some pics from the set — including a couple of Benjamin Bratt — check out Amy’s posts here and here.

HT: Niza

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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7 thoughts on “Watch E-Ring Tonight

  1. hiiiii… we’re all so excited for scott and amy.
    anyway, have you checked out yet? you can start posting there… hu huh.
    you can find me on
    miiiiiss you soooo much,

  2. Update: found the problem. You need to remove the beta from the end of your URL.
    Still no password for me, so I left a note with the support folks.