
Stole this from Niza’s site, but made a few additions of my own…

Seven Things I want to do before I die:

  • Get a college degree
  • Buy a house
  • Go back to London, several times if possible!!
  • Go skydiving
  • Learn to rock climb and climb the mountains of Tennessee
  • Find the love of my life/best friend and marry him
  • Write a book

Seven Things I cannot do:

  • Fly without a plane
  • Get anywhere on time
  • Draw or paint or sculpt
  • Put on a "poker" face – everything I’m thinking or feeling flashes across my face. There’s just no hiding it.
  • Understand or fix tech/computer stuff. I just turn into a drooling idiot like the kids in Ferris Bueller’s economics class. I ‘ll leave that to the pros like Larry or Vic.
  • The splits. That ability seems to have left me forever.
  • Play the drums. I’m, uh, rhythmically challenged.

Seven Things I love to do, and do well:

  • mix live sound, especially worship – love it love it love it!!!
  • Exercise (who knew???)
  • Make people laugh
  • Teach spiritual truths I’ve learned
  • Write
  • Sing in the car
  • Photography

Seven Favorite Foods/drinks:

  • Rice, dahl and naan (a traditional Indian meal)
  • Mama’s fried chicken
  • Turkey and all the fixin’s
  • Margaritas
  • a good Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Chai (Starbucks is still the best, Panera’s is next)
  • And the ever present Diet Coke

Seven Things that attract me to people:

  • Compassion/Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Honesty and straight talk, especially when it comes to their emotions and our relational standing. I love people who will tell me that they’re upset with me instead of going to others with that information.
  • Deep spirituality, whatever their religion
  • Intellectual depth
  • great sense of humor!!
  • humility

Seven Books (or series of books) I love:

  • The Harry Potter Series
  • anything written by Michael Crichton
  • Seizing Your Divine Moment
  • The Barbarian Way
  • From The Earth To The Moon
  • The Sacred Romance
  • The Allure of Hope

Seven Movies I would watch over and over again (and probably do!):

  • Steele Magnolias
  • Ever After
  • Die Hard
  • Never Been Kissed
  • Spiderman 1 & 2
  • Twister
  • Chicago (especially the song/scene "Jailhouse Rag" (aka "He Had It Comin’")
  • Bruce Almighty
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Finding Neverland

Ooops! That was 10!

Seven People to do this list:

  • Wendy
  • Larry
  • Dawn
  • Conna
  • Paula
  • Vic
  • Nina

Your turn! 🙂 Tell me about your Sevens.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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