Checking…. Test 1-2-3… Is this thing on????

Update: I still can’t view my blog’s main page. But it appears from my Stats reports that some people are visiting. So you if you can see me, please give me a shout out and let me know. I can see my comments from my Typepad homepage.

Thanks mucho!!


I can’t seem to see my blog… my computer won’t/can’t read the page. Just checkin’ to see if anyone else can….. Am I here???

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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5 thoughts on “Checking…. Test 1-2-3… Is this thing on????

  1. YAY! I can see myself again. šŸ™‚ Hey Joe!! [[[waving]]] Good to see you here too. šŸ™‚
    Typepad is working on the problem — it seems I’m not the only one to experience this sort of thing (but not all with my blog; I’m the only one to experience it here that I know of…). Hopefully it will be fully resolved soon and all will be back to normal in Soundchick-land. šŸ™‚

  2. You’re here. About 4A my time. Just finished writing an entry on my Blog and came over here to see what was happening. The page was slow to load, but got here eventually.

  3. You’re here… but the comments seem to be a little wonky. This is my second attempt. Just finished writing an entry on my Blog and came over here to see what was going on with you. About 0420 my time, and time for breakfast.