
It took about 6 hours, one large truck, one small Toyota truck, two men and my sister, but we got everything moved into my new place Friday. YAY!!

I loooove my new home. It’s an amazing cottage/guest house on two acres surrounded by trees. The house is a lot bigger and more spacious than I’d thought, the exception being the storage. I have only one large walk in closet in which to put everything that had once occupied a small walk-in closet, a storage closet, a laundry closet and a small entry closet. Whew… that’s a lot of stuff. Thankfully there’s also a little attic space as well. But my closet is a little crowded.

All but two boxes are unpacked and two pictures have yet to be hung. Otherwise, all signs that I’ve not lived there before Friday are gone.

Nina was such a God-send!! She drove out late Thursday night/Friday morning and worked like a dog loading and unloading  my car twice and her pick-up once, cleaning my old place, hanging pictures in the new one, organizing my closet and re-organizing the kitchen. She helped me unpack boxes, throw out or give away stuff I no longer use or don’t really like, shopping for a vacuum and some small pieces of furniture, putting the furniture together and — most of all — she helped me get organized.

I think she should be on that show, "Clean Sweep". She’s be good on it. She can really crack the whip on cleaning out and throwing out, sorting and discarding and organizing. She really whipped my butt into shape. And that ain’t no easy task.

I have no internet or cable at the new place yet. So I’m at Panera having some chai, a pumkin muffin and a moment to breath before heading off to the grocery store — and perhaps Best Buy for a wireless router.

Thanks so much, everyone for the comments and good wishes for the move. All went peachy — but I’m pooped!! Cheers!

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