No, I Haven’t

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.
No, I haven’t gotten bored with blogging, or moved on to something "new".
No, I haven’t run out of things to say (as if that were possible!!).
No, I haven’t forgotten that there are people who stop by here every day to see what crazy thing I will say—uh, write—next.

I’ve just been ultra-busy on a project at work, and mega-tired after work (for more on using too many adjectives to describe something, see this article). So, while all the thoughts and ideas run rampant in the chaos commonly known as my mind, this space has had to remain blank for a bit.

But the weekend is on its way, and, hopefully, I’ll have a little time and enough energy to thrown down here, for your reading pleasure (or whatever), a few of the thoughts that have currently taken up residence in my brain.

Until then, check out this recent post and Dan’s comments from Dan Kimball, and Carlos’ take on a similar subject. Okay, talk amongst ya’selves…!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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