A few Questions

Taken from Inside The Actor’s Studio. This is one of my favorite quizzes. I think it gives some good insight into people, when they choose to answer it honestly — even if not seriously. šŸ™‚ And the cool thing is, the answers could change from day to day, depending on what one’s mood is, where they are in life, and what new things they’ve discovered in life.

What’s your favorite word?
I think this is one that changes from week to week, perhaps even daily. Right now it’s "integral".

What’s your least favorite word?
Again, it changes often. Right now I think its "organic".

What turns you on, creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
Music. Listening to it or mixing it. People who are authentic, not playing at being something or someone. Hanging out with my friends (all of whom are very creative). Lively conversation.

What turns you off?
Cliches of the day and people who use them. I’ve been around long enough to have heard many pop-culture and church-culture words and phrases go in and out of fashion. And I’ve never liked it. One person comes up with an idea, or a new way of defining something, and it is great and wonderful and powerful. And soon everyone is using that definition or idea to describe a great many things that its originator never intended it for. It becomes a watered down shell of its original self. I hate that. Nothing turns me off faster.

What sound do you love?
Laughter! Especially a baby’s or child’s joyful laughter.

What sound do you hate?
Ringing telephones. ugh.

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?
Oh, so many… Astronomer, archeologist or paleontologist, something in organizational communications or human resources, recording engineer/producer; to name a few off the top of my head…

What profession would you NOT want to participate in?
Dentistry. I have a good friend who’s a pediatric dentist and I just can’t understand it. Sticking my fingers in someone else’s mouth?? Ewwww….

What’s your favorite curse word?
shit — which for some reason seems to be a really bad word to say here in the South. In LA, it was incredible tame, and unoriginal, compared to what I heard on a daily basis. I never knew the f-word could be joined with so many other words and used in so many various ways…. Here, I’ve noticed, sometimes people will even whisper "shit" rather than say it aloud. Very different.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you get there?
"What took you so long?" (with a twinkle in His eye, of course) because no matter what will have happened between now and that moment, no matter how hard or how easy "death" was, I’ll be ready for a good laugh.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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