
Today was fun.

It started out with the discovery that I’d bought 2 conditioners of my favorite hair product, and NO shampoo, which is really what I needed this morning (luckily I keep some spare, less expensive, shampoo in the cabinet for such emergencies), and ended with the realization that I’ve probably  broken my prized Nikon camera, my baby, while trying to clean lint off the lens. It will no longer focus.

In between those two lovely discoveries, I
found out I’d gained another pound and a half, even though I’ve been eating half what I did two weeks ago,
realized too late I was kneeling on a trail of ants on their way to food and thus became part of the trail they traversed, and was mistaken for the food (done in an attempt to get a good shot of Nashville in spring)
realized too late I’d kneeled in a small pile of mud and straw and now had both nicely mushed into my black pants (also done in an attempt to get a good shot)
got to work later than I planned because I was so distracted getting the aforementioned pictures
…oh, I could go on, but why bother.

Sometimes life just doesn’t go well. And today it really didn’t go well.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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