Half Your Age Plus Seven

This is interesting. I hadn’t heard of the Half Your Age Plus Seven rule before.

If Your Age is 39:         26.5 to 64
If Your Age is 40:         27 to 66

I’d always felt that 10 years was the breaking point for age-difference in relationships. Any more than that and you start getting into serious generation gaps.

For most of my life I wanted to marry someone my age or older. I never considered marrying someone younger. Not until my friend Holly began encouraging me to marry someone younger, based on her experiences with her then boyfriend-now husband, Erik. did I ever entertain the thought. Now I think it would be very refreshing to marry someone younger. Heck, I wouldn’t mind just dating someone younger….. Heck I wouldn’t mind just dating….

At any rate, I certainly ain’t gonna marry no 60-something year olds. I can’t even see myself with a 50-something — even if he were Richard Dean Anderson, who’s somewhere around 54.

Well… okay… I would marry Ricky Dean…
….I mean, look at him. Who can resist this!

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