Snark-o-Meter Warning: Exceeded Acceptable Limits
Pronunciation Key (snärk)
adj. Slang snark·i·er, snark·i·est
Irritable or short-tempered; irascible.
[From dialectal snark, to nag, from snark, snork, to snore, snort, from Dutch and Low German snorken, of imitative origin.]
snarki·ly adv.
(adjective) describes a witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism. Usually accepted as a complimentary term. Snark is sometimes mistaken for a snotty or arrogant attitude.
Her snarky remarks had half the room on the floor laughing and the other half ready to walk out.
Source: A Gianotto (snipe), Oct 9, 2002

Lu the-walking-Dictionary/Thesaurus
(proper pronoun) Yours Truly
…Especially when my boss calls and asks if I’ll come into work, and I DO — on my day off — and then he doesn’t even get me a vente Chai Latte when he has Starbucks delivered for himself. Oh, yes. The snark-o-meter is high today kiddies.

Heh. He just thinks he’s getting work outa me. Little does he know this little engine doesn’t run unless it’s fed copious amounts of caffeine… the more the chai the faster we goooooo…..

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