Merry Christmas Eve!

It’s Christmas eve! Okay, so it’s only early morning Christmas Eve, but since tomorrow… er, today… promises to be quite busy I may not get a chance to blog again until after Christmas.

We’re going to have our big turkey dinner tonight because Christmas day will be a full day of activity. Nina and Toby will be running down to Columbia to pick up Frances (their daughter) Christmas morning so she can be home for the day, Kevin, Jennifer, Jake and Kaitlyn, the family living with Nina and Toby, will also be here Christmas day, as will Stephen. So we’ll have a full, full house — and lots of activity going on.

Thank God I have a room downstairs in the basement where I can go when the crowd gets to be too much for me! I’m sooooo not a big crowd person. I have distinct memories of family holiday gatherings where I would disappear to what my mom called my "cave," aka my room, where I would go to "hide out" and recoup my energy for a while before facing the crowd again. It doesn’t matter that its my family. It still drains all the energy out of me. I’m definitely an introvert.

At any rate, I think the next few days will be fun — in spite of the crowd. And I’m looking forward to making new memories.

Merry Christmas ya’ll!

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