Crank-o-Meter – Extremely High

I’m so cranky today, you don’t even want to get in my space. If you have something against me and you’re looking for a fight, now’s the time to bring it on. If you want a sensible discussion, however, you better wait a few days…

I’m so tired, I just want to go back to bed and sleep for a week. I have a monster migraine, I can’t think straight, all I want for lunch is a small bag of chips but I don’t have enough change and all my usual change-hiding places are empty, and now in the course of hunting through my purse I somehow pushed the magic button my cell phone that made all the letters and numbers on the screen HUGE and left myself a voicemail full of scuffling sounds to boot.

Can I just go home and skipped the rest of the year?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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