
New post from me (finally) in Cup of Chai.

I need to go to bed, but thought I’d add a quick note in here too… I have several posts started, but I can’t seem to finish them at the moment. I’ve had a tremendous amount of brain-lint I guess. I’ve been all fuzzy in the head today.

I’m incredibly restless these days. My body is even showing it. I can’t keep my legs from bouncing — one is always going, even when I’m typing. Unless, of course, my laptop is on my lap, as it is now. But my legs and body are just mimicking, I think, what my spirit is feeling. I don’t know what’s going on, exactly. But it’s really starting to get on my nerves.

I went for a drive after work. Thought that would help clear my head, and I’d get to see some cool Christmas lights while I was at it.

Nashville-ites are disappointing me. They don’t decorate up their property for the holidays nearly as much as I thought they would.

I kept asking God, "what’s wrong with me?" At first He didn’t answer. Maybe He knew I wasn’t yet really listening. Finally, He spoke up.

"Nothing." He said. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect in every way."

Okay, now I’m all for warm-fuzzies, but this is just plain over-the-top, don’cha think? I mean, really. There is no way on God’s green earth that I’m "perfect in every way".

But God was resolute. He would say nothing more on the subject. But He would proudly repeat Himself three times over. Finally I quit asking Him.

I’m still very restless, even though I’m now also very exhausted, a little frustrated and a tad concerned about my own sanity. I still can’t keep my legs from bouncing. I still feel like I have lint for brains….

Does God really see me as "perfect in every way"?

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