In Memoriam – William Sackheim

My former boss died last week. I worked for this great man for over eight years. It’s a sad loss for everyone. He’s was a creative genious, a wonderful husband and father, a doting and proud grandfather, and a good man. He was a sweet curmudgeon. You’d asked him how he was doing and he’d inevitably say, "Oy! Don’t ask!" He’d complain about his million-dollar home and his expensive cars not working right… Yet the moment you needed anything or showed any signs of concern over any situation, he was right there with you, willing to help in any way he could and comforting you with soothing words and kindnesses. The world will be a lesser place without him in it….

William Sackheim, 84; TV Writer, Producer Won 2 Emmy Awards
By Dennis McLellan, Times Staff Writer

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