There was ice on my car this morning. ICE! I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never had to scrape ice off my car before. I didn’t even know how to begin. Somehow I’ve lost my squeegee, so I ended up grabbing an old windshield wiper blade from my trunk and using that. Between my scraping and the car’s defroster it only took about 5-10 minutes to get the windows clear. But my fingers were a little numb by the time I was done. My poor car… Col. O’Neill just didn’t know what to do with himself this morning. He was much crankier than usual.
I wish I didn’t have to work this morning. This is the perfect day to go out and take pictures. The frost over all the bushes and trees, glistening in the early morning sunlight, was just spectacular! What beautiful photos they would have made!
Ah, well. Work summons…
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