¡viva insurrección!

Over a period of time spanning through the last several decades, the church in America has separated itself from the world. Self preservation has become the focus for the church and all its followers. A chasm has been created between the church’s original mission and it’s current day reality. It’s time the pendulum swung back to where it belongs. It’s time for God’s plan – advancing His Kingdom throughout the world and into the future – to become our reason for living.

There are certain cities around this country and the world where culture is shaped and then breathed out into the rest of the world. Nashville is one of those cities. As members of the Mosaic Global Insurrectionist Team, it is our mission to relocate ourselves to Nashville, infilitrate the cultural shaping entities by loving and serving, and begin to watch the Kingdom of God be advanced throughout the city, and the world.

Our mission is not survival. Our mission is not comfort. Our mission is to attack the spiritual front line, to see light exist where there was once darkness, one life at a

Mosaic Global Insurrectionist Team – Nashville.
Joshua Shanklin

Going back to my rant of yesterday…. This is the reason I came to Nashville. It’s the reason I moved far from all my friends and the church I love. I came because my heart breaks for the people of America. The Church has, for the most part, abandoned them — or joined them in the mud and mire. This is, in essence, part of my 95 theses nailed to the Church doors…. I hope my life will be the other part.

Fully Alive

Larry Said: There’s Lu, with her “drama queen” antics and great swings. Read one post and you know she’s alive.

Larry, you could never have known how much of a blessing it was to read that about myself! It is one of the major goals of my life, one that I daily pray for and remind myself that God has promised it to me.

Six years ago I reached a breaking point in my life. I had tried and tried to live “the adventure” but continually found myself back where I started. What was I doing wrong? Why couldn’t I seem to join this revolution everyone at Mosaic kept talking about? Why couldn’t I become one of those Jonathan-type people, the ones that could seize their divine moments that Erwin was always talking about?

One afternoon in my office, I begged God to say something. Give me some word of wisdom, even just a nugget, that I could grasp hold of. My hope was slipping quickly from my grasp and I needed more “rope” to grab. I told Him I’d run out of ideas how to become the person I longed to be….

He led me here.

Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ (verse 11)

That was me. I didn’t understand why God led me to a passage that perfectly described me…. until I read:
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD , when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD .’ “

That became my New Year’s wish for 1999…. and the desire for my life. That I would live truly, fully live and know, beyond doubt, that it was God’s doing, not my own.

So, you see, Larry. God has truly answered my prayer. He did it in ’99, and again in 2000…. and now, He does it so powerfully and completely that even you can see it.

And every day I marvel at His promise… and His grace… and His faithfulness to fulfill all His promises.

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. — 2 Cor. 2:20

The Revolution is Over… The Tragedy is: We Won

Nothing is more dangerous to a revolution than winning. When a revolution wins, it must face the prospect of becoming an institution. No better example of this exists than when Constantine began mandating national baptisms. Christianity changed from a movement to an institution, from a global revolution to a world religion. You could now become a Christian without ever having met Jesus Christ personally. This was a bad thing-like keeping the shell and tossing the egg.

The irony in this is that the force of Christianity first changed the Roman world and then relinquished its power in the name of accommodation. It’s easy to see the difference between Christianity as a religion and Christianity as a revolution when we look back to the days of Constantine and the Dark Ages that followed. It’s more difficult to see that difference in our contemporary environment because we are standing in the middle of it. Our great awakenings were born through men and women who could see that the church had lost her way. They led the church back to the third day: from death to resurrection. They called God’s people out of the apathetic to the passionate.

Real, sustainable change occurs when actions are in response to values. For too long we have focused on making sure people believe the right things and have left their concerns alone. I know it may sound like heresy, but it is more important to change what people care about than to change what they believe! You can believe without caring, but you can’t care without believing. We cannot afford to fill our churches with members who have biblical beliefs and worldly concerns. When we awaken the apostolic ethos, the heart of God begins to pulsate throughout the church of Jesus Christ. The Christian faith is to be a moving experience!Erwin McManus

He makes my point, and says it so much better.

The Enemy Within… It’s Not Who You Think

I’m taking my lunch break and thought I’d surf the net while I ate (I often bring my laptop in with me). I came across this while visiting another blog I read pretty regularly.

THE ENEMY WITHIN: Saving America From the Liberal Assault on Our Schools, Faith and Military, by Michael Savage

Who is the Enemy Within?
Are there names to be named? Yes.
There are enough names to fill this entire book. Perhaps we should put our own names in this book. Why do I say that? Because most of us have failed our own democratic system by not being vigilant. Most of us have looked the other way while our borders, language, and culture have been diluted.
There is also an ideological divide as to an “enemies list.” Both Left and Right have created operatives who are enemies of our own way of life; enemies of firm borders, English as a national language, and a common cultural glue. The question really becomes whom do you fear most? The vast “right-wing conspiracy” or the vast “left-wing conspiracy”?
Analyzing both sides of this equation, you will come to see the right-wing supports God, country, family, the military, and has far higher moral standards than the Left. The Left operates specifically to undermine God, country, family, and the military. They use the courts to undermine the popular will. What they cannot gain through the ballot box they gain through the gavel. In California we recently saw how the ACLU with three leftist judges tried to stop an election to recall a failed, corrupt governor.
Analyzing recent Supreme Court decisions on sodomy and affirmative action, you will see the vast left-wing conspiracy as its worst, legitimizing the use of race as opposed to achievement and destabilizing family values. Left-wing operatives have come very far in their plans.
It is clear to me if God could vote, He would be a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. In fact, to the mad dog leftists in the ACLU, The National Lawyers Guild, and the Democratic party, God is the enemy

Oh. My. God.

What kind of moron would ever, and I mean eh-ver, dare to declare that he has any notion whatsoever how God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, Great God Most High would vote?!?!?!?

As if HE would even bother with a vote. He doesn’t add His voice to the din, He acts. And as He says Himself, “When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isa. 43:13)

I would dare say, hope to say!, that no one I know would ever make such an arrogant presumption.

However, this brings up something has greatly disturbed me for quite a while. A trap I believe the American/Western Church fell prey to, and now inhabits as if it were our home.

It isn’t. And it angers me every time I think of it. I don’t have enough time at the moment to delve as deeply as I want to — especially with my emotions all stirred up again after reading this! But I need to say this:

To The American Church — regardless of denomination:

While I hold in the highest regard our ability to speak our minds, vote our consciences, and live according to our beliefs in our nation, I am convinced we have confused voting our consciences with advancing the Kingdom of God.

We, as followers of Christ, are charged with being agents of change. Change not of the political or ideological landscape, but of the spiritual landscape. There is a difference.

One impacts only the laws, courts and systems of our nation.

The other impacts the hearts, minds and souls of every person walking this planet.

It is not our job to ensure that no gay marriages are recognized by the courts or governments or institutions of this country.

It is our command to love every single person we come in contact with in our lives. To care for them as if they were our own flesh and blood. To watch over them, feed and clothe them, educate them… In short, to “provide for their general welfare,” as our Constitution states.

We’ve been charged by Jesus Himself to make disciples. Tell me, would you become a disciple of someone who voted your rights away, or would you become a disciple of one who loved you faithfully and stood beside you in the storms of your life?

You say, “but this country is a mess! The institutions of marriage and family teeters on the brink of a dark cliff. Violence not only fills our streets, but our homes through television, video games and music. Schools teach about evolution and how to use a condom, but refuse prayer and creationism. Liberalism is encroaching at every point of our society and threatens to take over every aspect of our lives, including our churches! What else are we to do but fight back with whatever weapons we have.”

I say, you are right. This country is a mess. But you place the blame on the wrong shoulders. You claim that the liberals have done this, that we are not responsible for the mess our country is in.

I say, you are wrong. WE ARE. WE are responsible.

We walked away from our charge as followers of Christ to make disciples.

We locked ourselves away in our churches and our small communities, created “safe havens”, Christian music, Christian bookstores, Christian magazines, Christian television, Christian schools… even Christian electricians and mechanics… blah, blah, blah ad nuseum.

We walked away from our responsibility to our artists and artisans, by turning our back and shunning Hollywood and all it’s “evils”. And now we seek to “reclaim it” with the same ignorance and arrogance in which we shunned it.

We abandoned the world because we bought into the lie that to be “in” the world but not of it meant that we only passed through it on our way from one Christian safe haven to another. Is it any wonder we live in fear that our “family friendly” cocoon’s will be stripped away by “the world” outside.

And now we’ve declared war on the very culture that’s grown out of our wanton negligence. Instead of entering into it and discovering avenues to build bridges and breech the gaps our absence created so we may share the love of Christ with them, we look for laws we can impose and leaders we can appoint so we may gain control over that which we fear.

We have become like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. We market our goods in the church and sell ourselves to the world. We think that by gaining power and authority, we will gain respect and influence.

We are fools.

All we have done, all that we dare to do in the name of Jesus, will be lost if we don’t turn back now.

Love’s Completion

This morning’s dose of the Word…. It’s giving me something to chew on.

There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears…

So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.

Philipians 1:6, 9-11 The Message

PS — The migraine saga continues… however, today it is less than it was yesterday. Hopefully the beatings from my mind will be as well… Perhaps this is why God drew my attention to these passages this morning…

At Last

A migraine hit about 10:30 this morning and hasn’t abated since.

Perhaps that’s the reason my mind has been mired down in negativity all day. I was drowning in a cesspool of thoughts and didn’t know how to get out.

“Self-talk”, the psychologists call it… negative self talk filled my mind all day. Every mistake I made, I berated myself. Every decision I made was second-guessed, and ultimately found lacking by my petulant mind.

Perhaps it was also the migraine that caused me to forget to get clarification before setting out to complete any given tasks. This failure inevitably led to at least a dozen trips up and down the elevator from the 2nd floor to 5th floor to lobby and back again. The last trip I made, it was all I could do to laugh and share a knowing look with the guard, with whom I had just shared my afternoon elevator saga, when the president told me to just put what I had come down to get, again, “in his office”…. which is on the 5th floor, where I had just come from….

But after that last trip, I was done. I stared at my computer, knowing there were things I needed to be doing. But I couldn’t get my mind to engage in anything but mudslinging.

It’s an odd thing to know your mind is waging war on your own psyche. Aren’t they all supposed to be working together? They are all a part of one body, why is one attacking the other? And how does one go about making peace with…. one’s own self?

I know the verses that talk about “taking every thought captive…” but I felt powerless to do so. It flowed so effortlessly from some deep reservoir of my mind. One I didn’t even know existed… I don’t think. And one that seems to have a limitless supply.

I cried out to God. Often. But all I could think to say was, Help me! Sometimes I’d hear a whisper not to listen, not to believe… but it all felt so true, looked so true… how could it be a lie? I don’t know how to fight thoughts like that. Even though I’ve been a follower of Christ for too many years to believe, and even though my relationship with Him is the most intimate it’s ever been, I just can’t seem to conquer this mountain. Once the landslide begins, I don’t know how to stop it, and eventually it buries me.

And I was buried deep. The negative “self talked” flowed freely all day. It wasn’t until I crossed the threshold of my home that it quit. Now isn’t that a strange thing…? It’s as if my mind had finally run out of nagging words, so it got quiet. Just shut up. Now all that’s left is the pain…. and the “leaded-limb” feeling the medicine I take for migraines brings.

I can’t wait to lay my head on my pillow and put this day behind me. I feel beat up, battle weary, sucked dry of life. Even now I can feel my focus slipping from me as the medication finally kicks… the Colts are playing on Monday Night Football. Adria’s yelling at the television — somehow she thinks the Colts will hear her and respond. My PowerBook feels warm on my lap. My head still hurts, but all is quiet in my mind. At last.

Road Trip Weekend

I went to South Carolina for the weekend to visit Nina. I had a great time!

Just the drive was an amazing experience. The mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina are absolutely stunning this time of year! Wow. God is an amazing artist.

I had an incredible time with God on the drives up and back. Seven hours (each way) alone in the car with just Jesus and some music, you’ll either get closer to Him or wanna throttle Him by the end of it. 🙂

I had such a great time with Nina, hangin’ out and talkin’… went for a walk, and spent some time just listening to the sounds of the forest and creek behind her home… crickets, falling leaves, water rushing over the rocks… beautiful!

It was the first Sunday in her church’s new building… the whole day was a blessing to me; from spending time with her Sunday School class, which has adopted me and just blows me away with love and attention every time I’m there, to the sermon her pastor preached, to the great lunch they fed me before I left.

There’s much to tell from the weekend, experiences, insights, thoughts, rambling… I’ll post more about the weekend over the next few days, but I’m so exhausted I can hardly see the screen through the slits in my eyes. I have got to go to bed.

I’m So Smart Nobody Knows What I’m Saying

WARNING: The title of this post has nothing to do with it’s content.

I don’t really have anything to say tonight.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I always have something to say, but tonight I’m letting my thoughts percolate. Those of you who understand StrengthsFinder-speak will understand when I say, one of my Strengths is Intellection. That doesn’t mean I’m an intellectual. It means, in the words of Gallup themselves:

You like to think. You like mental activity. You like exercising the “muscles” of your brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused…. On the other hand, [it] may very well lack focus. You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection. You are introspective. In a sense you are your own best companion, as you pose yourself questions and try out answers on yourself to see how they sound. This introspection may lead you to a slight sense of discontent as you compare what you are actually doing with all the thoughts and ideas that your mind conceives. Or this introspection may tend toward more pragmatic matters such as the events of the day or a conversation that you plan to have later. Wherever it leads you, this mental hum is one of the constants of your life.

Finding out that there was actually a name and a reason for all my mental activity, for that constant hum, was such a freeing and hope-filled thing! Finally (!!) I had proof I wasn’t just a “daydreamer,” as many a childhood teacher had labeled me, or a space-cadet freak, as some of my schoolmates might have said. There’s a cool-sounding, legitimate reason for my mental exercise. Even better, it’s a Strength. Awesome. Rock on!

Gallup’s paragraph on this Strength really describes me quite well. Add in my other top four strengths — Restorative, Input, Connectedness and Command — and you’ve a pretty good picture of me. Granted, this doesn’t take into account my personality, my spiritual giftings — and the effect of my “family of origin issues”, as the psycho-babble goes — but I’ve found that they all seem to fold together and compliment each other, like all the pieces of a mosaic.

Isn’t it amazing how God has put us together! Even if you and I share all five of our top Strengths, we still will be distinctly different individuals. God’s imprint on us, through the combinations of our personalities, Strengths, spiritual gifts and life experiences, is as unique as a fingerprint. His fingerprint on us.

How we use this unique combination to serve others — or to serve ourselves, whichever way we choose to go — is our imprint on the world. That is such an incredible thought, isn’t it! We leave an indelible, and unique imprint on this world. For better or for worse. We leave a mark. I wonder what mine looks like… without the fun-house mirrors of my own insecurity-filled self-perception…?

Which brings me back to the original point of this post… yes, there really is a reason for this post…. sheesh, you’d think you’d never read someone’s ramblings before… Barney and I uncovered a whoooole lotta stuff in my counseling time today. It was a powerful time. We were at it for 2 full hours. He is very gracious with his time, I tell ya! We covered… er, uncovered — a lot of ground today…. and I need time for all my thoughts to perk and simmer. They’ll be ready to spew forth from my brain in a few days… probably… maybe… check in later and I’ll let you know…

Wow, 652 words in this post. That’s a whole lotta words to say a whole lotta nothin’…. Maybe I should consider a career in politics. Do you think it’s too late to throw my hat in the ring for the presidential election?

Tragedy Strikes

I ran across Sarah’s blog while reading Paula’s and saw this tragic news. I just had to post it here, as a conscientious Music City citizen, in honor of such a great songwriter.

north of the border
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed last week.

Larry La Prise, the man who wrote “The Hokey Pokey”, died peacefully at age 93.

The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin.

They put his left leg in. And then the trouble started.

SHUT UP. You know it’s funny!