I’m taking my lunch break and thought I’d surf the net while I ate (I often bring my laptop in with me). I came across this while visiting another blog I read pretty regularly.
Who is the Enemy Within?
Are there names to be named? Yes.
There are enough names to fill this entire book. Perhaps we should put our own names in this book. Why do I say that? Because most of us have failed our own democratic system by not being vigilant. Most of us have looked the other way while our borders, language, and culture have been diluted.
There is also an ideological divide as to an “enemies list.” Both Left and Right have created operatives who are enemies of our own way of life; enemies of firm borders, English as a national language, and a common cultural glue. The question really becomes whom do you fear most? The vast “right-wing conspiracy” or the vast “left-wing conspiracy”?
Analyzing both sides of this equation, you will come to see the right-wing supports God, country, family, the military, and has far higher moral standards than the Left. The Left operates specifically to undermine God, country, family, and the military. They use the courts to undermine the popular will. What they cannot gain through the ballot box they gain through the gavel. In California we recently saw how the ACLU with three leftist judges tried to stop an election to recall a failed, corrupt governor.
Analyzing recent Supreme Court decisions on sodomy and affirmative action, you will see the vast left-wing conspiracy as its worst, legitimizing the use of race as opposed to achievement and destabilizing family values. Left-wing operatives have come very far in their plans.
It is clear to me if God could vote, He would be a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. In fact, to the mad dog leftists in the ACLU, The National Lawyers Guild, and the Democratic party, God is the enemy.
Oh. My. God.
What kind of moron would ever, and I mean eh-ver, dare to declare that he has any notion whatsoever how God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, Great God Most High would vote?!?!?!?
As if HE would even bother with a vote. He doesn’t add His voice to the din, He acts. And as He says Himself, “When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isa. 43:13)
I would dare say, hope to say!, that no one I know would ever make such an arrogant presumption.
However, this brings up something has greatly disturbed me for quite a while. A trap I believe the American/Western Church fell prey to, and now inhabits as if it were our home.
It isn’t. And it angers me every time I think of it. I don’t have enough time at the moment to delve as deeply as I want to — especially with my emotions all stirred up again after reading this! But I need to say this:
To The American Church — regardless of denomination:
While I hold in the highest regard our ability to speak our minds, vote our consciences, and live according to our beliefs in our nation, I am convinced we have confused voting our consciences with advancing the Kingdom of God.
We, as followers of Christ, are charged with being agents of change. Change not of the political or ideological landscape, but of the spiritual landscape. There is a difference.
One impacts only the laws, courts and systems of our nation.
The other impacts the hearts, minds and souls of every person walking this planet.
It is not our job to ensure that no gay marriages are recognized by the courts or governments or institutions of this country.
It is our command to love every single person we come in contact with in our lives. To care for them as if they were our own flesh and blood. To watch over them, feed and clothe them, educate them… In short, to “provide for their general welfare,” as our Constitution states.
We’ve been charged by Jesus Himself to make disciples. Tell me, would you become a disciple of someone who voted your rights away, or would you become a disciple of one who loved you faithfully and stood beside you in the storms of your life?
You say, “but this country is a mess! The institutions of marriage and family teeters on the brink of a dark cliff. Violence not only fills our streets, but our homes through television, video games and music. Schools teach about evolution and how to use a condom, but refuse prayer and creationism. Liberalism is encroaching at every point of our society and threatens to take over every aspect of our lives, including our churches! What else are we to do but fight back with whatever weapons we have.”
I say, you are right. This country is a mess. But you place the blame on the wrong shoulders. You claim that the liberals have done this, that we are not responsible for the mess our country is in.
I say, you are wrong. WE ARE. WE are responsible.
We walked away from our charge as followers of Christ to make disciples.
We locked ourselves away in our churches and our small communities, created “safe havens”, Christian music, Christian bookstores, Christian magazines, Christian television, Christian schools… even Christian electricians and mechanics… blah, blah, blah ad nuseum.
We walked away from our responsibility to our artists and artisans, by turning our back and shunning Hollywood and all it’s “evils”. And now we seek to “reclaim it” with the same ignorance and arrogance in which we shunned it.
We abandoned the world because we bought into the lie that to be “in” the world but not of it meant that we only passed through it on our way from one Christian safe haven to another. Is it any wonder we live in fear that our “family friendly” cocoon’s will be stripped away by “the world” outside.
And now we’ve declared war on the very culture that’s grown out of our wanton negligence. Instead of entering into it and discovering avenues to build bridges and breech the gaps our absence created so we may share the love of Christ with them, we look for laws we can impose and leaders we can appoint so we may gain control over that which we fear.
We have become like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. We market our goods in the church and sell ourselves to the world. We think that by gaining power and authority, we will gain respect and influence.
We are fools.
All we have done, all that we dare to do in the name of Jesus, will be lost if we don’t turn back now.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.