Road Trip Weekend

I went to South Carolina for the weekend to visit Nina. I had a great time!

Just the drive was an amazing experience. The mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina are absolutely stunning this time of year! Wow. God is an amazing artist.

I had an incredible time with God on the drives up and back. Seven hours (each way) alone in the car with just Jesus and some music, you’ll either get closer to Him or wanna throttle Him by the end of it. 🙂

I had such a great time with Nina, hangin’ out and talkin’… went for a walk, and spent some time just listening to the sounds of the forest and creek behind her home… crickets, falling leaves, water rushing over the rocks… beautiful!

It was the first Sunday in her church’s new building… the whole day was a blessing to me; from spending time with her Sunday School class, which has adopted me and just blows me away with love and attention every time I’m there, to the sermon her pastor preached, to the great lunch they fed me before I left.

There’s much to tell from the weekend, experiences, insights, thoughts, rambling… I’ll post more about the weekend over the next few days, but I’m so exhausted I can hardly see the screen through the slits in my eyes. I have got to go to bed.

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