Some Pictures of My Home

It’s a rainy day, and what a better way to spend it than hangin’ out at home, listening to Mindy Smith, the Indigo Girls and Beethoven, reading, relaxing… and taking pictures with my handy-dandy Cybershot šŸ™‚ I thought ya’ll might enjoy seeing a few pictures of our beautiful home (okay, apartment… but it’s home to me!).

Welcome To Our Home!

The Living room/Dining room areas – all lit up

The Kitchen – Adria’s favorite place! šŸ™‚ She cooks up some really good stuff… come over and we’ll feed you sometime.

View from the dining room…

Another View from the dining room…

My room — It’s HUGE!

View from my bedroom window

View from our porch – my favorite place to hang out right now!


Just one last thing to show you.
Grandma’s Bible has a prominent place, along with the praying hands mom made years ago, and a picture of mom and dad. I see it every day and it’s a powerful reminder of the incredible legacy my family has been given.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little tour… Please excuse the mess, we’re still getting settled in. Feel free to drop by any time. šŸ™‚ We loooove visiters!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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