Wish You Were Here

I love you mom and dad.
I miss you very much.

I know you’re happier — and better off — where you are . And I wouldn’t wish upon you a forced return to this world for anything.

But life is not the same without you here. It lacks a certain spice. One that only you two can bring.

I saw a sunset the other day, dad, that you would have loved. The sky was this amazing mix of amber and rose, gold and indigo. Who knew all those colors could go together that way! And you would love Tennessee! The land is beautiful beyond compare. I don’t even know if Alaska can beat it… but you would know that better than I…. Such history is tied to this land. Even our family history… ancestors that lived here… even some that explored this frontier long ago. How you would love it here!

And you’d love our team too. John, our leader… I wish you could meet him. You’d approve. He’s a godly man. A little weird perhaps, but, that only helps him understand and relate to me better. The team is so amazing… Jamie, Josh & Elizabeth, Adria, Brian & Dawn, Lindsey, Mike and the Frat Boys, David — whew, you should here David’s story! It would make your "eyes water" with joy and amazement at what God does in people’s lives.

And I’m working at the SBC offices, dad. I may not be overseas anymore… at least not for now, but you can still be proud that I’m continuing the "family business", as it were. I know that’s not a prerequisite you had to be proud of me… but I saw how my being a missionary caused you to puff out your chest just a little more than usual when you introduced me…. You’d be proud of where I work, of what I’m doing.

Adria browned butter a couple of nights ago, mom, and suddenly our apartment smelled like home. The aroma hung in the air for hours… next to Channel #5, the perfume of cooking was your best fragrance. How I miss our kitchen conversations! How I miss the hugs and tears and love we shared!

I miss your laughter! I miss dad teasing you; dad and I ganging up on you and giving you the willies over dad’s eye twitch. I miss hearing you say, in your best fake put-out voice, "Oh, you two!"

Where are you? Is Heaven pretty? Do you even know I’m gone? Do you even notice my absence surrounded by such glory and beauty?

Your absence cannot help but be noticed. I trip over it every day of my life. life. I hope you are happy. I hope heaven is all we’ve been promised it is. It will make all this pain worth it.

I miss you, mom. I miss you, dad. I love you both so very much. Remember me.

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